Thursday, February 5, 2009


What is the P90X?

The P90X is almost always mistaken to be the PX90. The PX90 stands for Power 90 Xtreme Fitness Training. This is a complete 90 Day program for anyone who wants to get start with fitness and shaping their physique. The package contains a set of Exercise, Diets and a lot more to get your body in shape in 90 Days Flat. The DVD set comes with various features including Music On/Off, Timer and more.

First of all let's discuss what P90X is and what it is not. PX90 is not a Muscle Building Program. It's a Fitness program for people who want to work it out at home. There are basic requirements to start off with this program which includes a set of Dumbbells and a pull up bar. If you are looking for Building up mass you may be in the wrong place, but be assured that you can move your fat into Great Chunk in just 6-8 weeks with this program.

Health & Fitness Product Reviews

The BeachBody product is called PX90, although a lot of people get dyslexic and call it PX90. We do that ourselves from time to time. So what’s the deal with P90X anyway? Can it really get you “Ripped in 90 Days”? As you might have guessed, the “90 days” thing is why they call it PX90 in the first place - or P90X if you’re occasionally dyslexic like us. The problem with their 90-Day statement is that they base it on the idea that you’re going to “confuse” your muscles into growing. What they DON’T tell you is that anyone embarking on a new fitness regimen does not need to confuse their muscles.
Your muscles are going to get used to an exercise routine no matter what, but not within the first three months of working out. If you have been working out for years using the same or similar routines, switching it up is ALWAYS going to help you get over that hump, whether you use P90X, PX90 or any other hyped-up workout program out there.
So you see, the folks over at P90X can’t lose. Whether you’re new to regular exercise programs, or you’ve been stuck in a rut - either way changing up your routine is going to provide results. Is the PX90 mostly hype? Yes. Is it hype that works? Yes.
