Thursday, February 5, 2009

PX90 Workout Review

• P90X Workout Review

What can I say, PX90 is amazing! I bought it after watching the commercial for it and was excited to get started. The day the P90X package came to my doorstep was the day I got started. Now 39 days into the workout I'm still going strong. I have seen a huge change not only in my physical appearance by also in my eating habits. P90X has motivated me to stay on this life changing journey. Thank you Ultimate Fitness Gear!!

- Sharon H. Miami, FL

• P90X Workout Review

The one thing I love about Tony Horton is that he is energetic. When I don't feel like pushing myself any harder, Tony is right there to keep me going. The P90X workout has definitely changed the way I view fitness. These workouts are great because I can do them from my own home. P90X is something I can do at my own pace. I really don't like going to the gym because of my size, so I love the fact that I can put one of the P90X dvds in and thats all I need to do to get a great workout. Thank you grately!

- Ryan W. Stockton, CA

• P90X Workout Review

My buddies and I are here in Iraq and we can't believe you shipped us the PX90 fitness dvds! We have a lot of time on our hands and the PX90 helps us keep our minds off certain things over here. My parents told me about the P90X over an email on day and so I looked it up online and found your site. Like I said my buddies and I went in together and decided to purchase the P90X. It's hard enough to push me and I have seen results, in my strength and endurance. I can't really show you the difference because I was already in pretty good shape, but I personally know that these videos have helped me. I wanted to take the time to thank you and thank you for the support email you sent me, it means a lot to us over here. Thanks again!

- Shaun G. Iraq

• P90X Workout Review

Well, I would have to say that I had my doubts, but i decided to get the P90x DVD's and I am sooo glad I did! Not only am I getting more defined, I feel like I am in the healthiest and best shape of my life. P90x and Tony Horton has helped me kick my butt into gear and I am so thankful for it.

- Vinny R. Ontario, Canada

• P90X Workout Review

Earlier in my life I was always in shape, but after three children I started to pack on some pounds. I got p90x hoping that I would be able to return to the figure I was back in the day. Now that I am 45 days into the PX90 program, I can defiantly see the changes in my body. I feel thin, I feel refreshed and I am able to keep up with my children! I am definitely glad I decided to buy p90x.

- Angela F. Santa Fe, NM

• P90X Workout Review

P90X! What can I say besides I didn't think it was going to help my situation. Now looking back 90 days ago I can see the improvements in my life, my looks and my strength. Because of p90x I am able to do more and have more energy. Thank you for supplying us with this great workout. I would suggest p90x to anyone who would be slightly interested.

- Andre K. New York, NY

• P90X Workout Review

Thank you for shipping to us in Canada! My husband and I love the px90 workout. Not only have we both seen results but its also great working out with him, it helps keep us both motivated.

- Sandy G. Victoria, Canada

• P90X Workout Review

What else can I say? I had my doubts, especially watching that infomercial late at night. I tend to not believe those things because all they are trying to do is sell you something, but it got my attention to see all of the PX90 reviews that other people had given. It made me interested and after watching the entire program I decided to give it a try. Well I am a believe and wanted to write in and say thank you for sending the p90x workout system to me. I love the way I look and never thought I would lose the weight that I did. This p90x workout is a God send! Thank again!

- Chris T. Los Angeles, CA

•PX90 Workout Review

Ouch that hurt! I just finished 90 days with this p90x workout program and all I can say is that I'm a different looking person. I have a new outlook on life and I love my new body! Thank you for selling the p90x.

- Shawn W. Minot, ND

•P90X Workout Review

I just got word from my son in Iraq who thanked us for sending him the p90x as it has helped him not only physically but also mentally. As his parents we wanted to say thank you for shipping the PX90 to our son, we are grateful for your special attention to our situation. Now we are getting the PX90 workout to see what it can do for us!

- Melody, Matt and our son Kyle. Portland, OR

• PX90 Workout Review

My son gave the px90 to me for Christmas and now that I am done with my first month I am starting to see results. It is a hard workout, but I enjoy it because I don't have to drive 20 minutes to my gym everyday. I can walk down stairs and put in one of the px90 dvds and start my workout from home! Thanks again!

- Scott S. Seattle, WA

• PX90 Workout Review
Hello all.

Work, social and sickness have been the theme for the past 2 weeks keeping me from my px90 workout. I haven’t been sick, but everybody around me has been. I’m one of those new-age believers that thinking positive and never saying the words “I feel sick” or “I am getting sick” or “I am sick” will keep you from getting sick. I firmly believe (and I have 4 years experience) that if you delete these phrases from your daily life you will not get the seasonal cold/flu. If you do get sick you’ll never know because you’re never said “I am sick”. So what will happen… You’ll drink more water and OJ, you’ll be a little more tired, you’ll be weary to be around sick people and those that use the afore mentioned phrases. But you won’t get sick. So for the past 2 weeks I’ve been upping my immunity and battling other peoples sickness. Now that my working / social environment is healing my body can go back to DEFCON 5.

I’m restarting week 6 today, even though I’m sore as hell from snowboarding on Saturday. Yay me, I went boarding for the first time at Stratton Mt. At first I couldn’t even stand up, but by my last run I was able to make it down the largest bunny hill without falling. I was told by the two friends I went with that I did very well for my first day. Amazingly it isn’t my legs that are sore, it’s my neck, fore arms and wrists. I’m guessing that every time I fell I was bracing my neck (as to not hit my head… which i didn’t). The fore arms and wrists make sense, because every time I fell backwards I landing on my hands, then my ass (which is also very sore). My fore arms are rock solid and painful.

So I asked my mom for a pair of the Sport 5.0 PowerBlocks. As stated before, I need to buy 25 and 30lb dumb bells. Rather then spending 100 bucks on those, only to clutter my living room even more, which I don’t want to do, I decided to cash in my Christmas present. The PowerBlock is 150 cheaper than the bowflex dumbells. I’ll be sure to give a full review of these when I get them. I’m a little nervous that my weights will now be squares, but I guess weights are weights. I’m pretty excited to be able to get rid of my 5, 10, 15, 20 X 2 weights. That’s 8 weights I no longer have to store or lug around when I move. They should be arriving soon, I hope this week.

• PX90 Workout Review

Hi! I am 5'5 and 160 lbs and would like to know if there is anyone on here doing Slim in 6 from Debbie Siebers If you are doing this workout is it possible for you to copy your dvd or vhs or share them with me? I would in turn dld some of ur fave music on a cd for you. Thank You. Thanx Lite for the suggestion!

• PX90 Workout Review

Its only about loosing weight or it includes bodybuilding routines. I am also looking for some new good materials.

• PX90 Workout Review

It includes a sweat routine with boxing moves and yoga moves and also it has a routine where you work out with weights or resistance bands. there are lots of these tapes, they come out with new ones all the time. they also have px90 for the more advanced. the instructor is tony horton you can go to beach bodys website and look at there forums and you can see real people and there before and after results. tony horton is a sought after trainer to the stars.

• PX90 Workout Review

I never use this videos and I can not be helpful with opinion for them. I write here because you are looking for some free videos (sorry if I undestand you not correctly).

I recorded videos in my apartment in order to help people who have no time to go to gym. I include exercises from fitness, callanetics and aerobics. I have many letters from people who like my workouts for abs and butt, they say that after 20 minutes with my videos they feel very hot
And I want to add something about diet - if you want to loose fat you need to follow diet plan. This means not to stop eta - this means to eat 5-6 times a day, but only good, quality foods.

Diet is the most important think. And of course exercises.

Diet role is to decrease the calories from not quality foods and to increase calories from quality foods.

Ecxercises role is to tell your body that you need your muscles and the body will take energy from burning fat. Because body receive energy from food, but if there is shortage of food, body takes energy from fat and muscles. Because of exercises your body "thinks" that you need your muscles and logically take energy form burnig fat.

I tried to explain this in funny way and hope to be helpfull with this explanation

• PX90 Workout Review
"I am getting into great shape at my own pace..."

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on nov. 4th 2006 and have undergone a double mastectomy with reconstruction, chemotherapy and radiation. I now have neuropathy of my hands and feet. Prior to the diagnosis I ran marathons, did triathalons and was going to enter my first figure competition. I now do not have the energy to go to the gym and this workout is great. Tony will tell you if you cannot finish an exercise, that it is okay and encourages you to rest and then pick your pace when ready and also ensures you that you will be able to do the whole workout soon.

I also really enjoy the recipes that came with the px90 nutrition plan, my husband is a chef and these recipes are very tasty and fulfilling. I am getting into great shape at my own pace with the encouragement and support of my own personal trainer that I used to pay $50.00 a session and also have my own personal nutritionist to go along with it with my own personal eating plan. I also purchased the recovery formula and the orange taste is great and has plenty of nutrients to assist me to recover from the workout. I absolutely love it and will send you before and after pics when i am done. Thanks so much, sincerely,

Suzanne F.

Toms River, NJ

• PX90 Workout Review
"The P90X workout program is the best exercise system I've ever tried."

The P90X workout program is the best exercise system I've ever tried. Without embarrassing myself too much, lets just say I have tried a ton of programs. Tony Horton is great. He is naturally energetic and makes sure you're working hard. The Power 90X routines keep you moving for over an hour each day! You really have to "Bring It" but the results are worth it! After 90 days my body is so much more toned and firm and I've lost seventeen pounds, yes 17!!! I couldn't be happier!

Vanessa M.

San Diego, CA

• PX90 Workout Review

"I've been working out for 23yrs in the military, this is the best program I have ever seen"
Just to say thanks for your complete body work out of the P90X DVDs. We are currently in IRAQ and have about 40 people who started the program several months ago and have improved the physical fitness test by more the 30 total points. The P 90 X work out is so great I just ordered another one for my Son who is on his way to Texas for the holidays. I've been working out for 23yrs in the military, this is the best program I have ever seen. Tell your staff great workout and we in the Military appreciate it.
