Thursday, February 5, 2009

Px90 Workout

If you’re not busy on something, I would like to ask for some advice on PX90. I am currently doing some routines for 3 months in order to get ripped for summer. That is if I can make it.
I am quite sure you have heard of P90X. It’s from beachbody, and the instructor for this program is Tony Horton. You probably, know him 40 year old, ripped, funny guy. Anyway, I decided to try the programs but only managed to get the workout calendar and the cardio based videos. They are really long and very exhausting. They really get your heart rate up. I chose the lean phase since it’s more cardio based. It lets you perform three cardio routines, two strength workouts, and a yoga workout during the middle of the week. I did my research and decided to apply my knowledge on fitness. Since I didn’t get the nutrition plan, I decided to adopt a bodybuilder cutting phase, since the workouts I mostly do is cardio based. For the nutrition, I heard the plan was in three phases (3 months appropriate). A Fat burning phase which means high protein, moderate fats, low carb to stimulate a fat burning signal since you’re body is adapting to the changes.
The next month is a strength phase, High Protein, Moderate carbs and carbohydrates get increased about 5% each week to maintain some energy and then final Phase which is Endurance Phase, Calories are increased as the workouts will vary now each week and not the same one you do for 4 weeks. So you will use more energy than usual. I didn’t get the meal plan and so I did the opposite.
The first month instead of low carbs, I just did High Protein, moderate fats and carbs to get me used to the calories and to the workouts. I don’t apply techniques such as HIIT to my cardio routines except my strength workouts which is only two times a week and it’s a split. So for bodyparts I don’t want to bulk up on say arms, I do supersets. For the parts that I do want to bulk up say the shoulders, I use the pyramid principle which I increase my weight throughout my shoulder workout. That is to get me adjusted. It’s the complete opposite to the first phase where you limit carbohydrates.
My second phase, the strength phase, well, instead of increasing carbs in this phase, I am decreasing them as in this phase, I want to maintain my strength from the first phase and lose the most fat in this phase. Sort of like the bodybuilder’s diet that asks you to cut down on carbs each week. But, only on this phase. I will also apply another technique. But, not to my weights but to my cardio. Since each cardio routine has a timer installed, I will apply the High Intensity Interval training for the whole workout.
P90X cardio workouts are not plain running, they combine kickboxing, core synergistic, and the one most average joes dread, plyometrics. It’s very high intensity. If I apply this High Intensity Interval training to these workouts, I think in my view would increase the intensity for the 2nd phase. The third phase is for me I think would match my own created 3rd phase. I increase my calories and carbohydrates just like in the meal plan but I will add a different twist. This phase is mean to stimulate the highest degree of metabolism change in all of the phases and increase stamina. That is why there is frequent changing of workouts each week for this final phase.
I will follow the frequent change but, I will add more techniques to the change, resistance. I plan to put some ankle weights on and wrist weights as well during my cardio workouts to add intensity along with the application of HIIT principle. I will do more reps during strength training but I won’t stick to isolation exercises anymore. That is done during the first phase and second phase. This time, it’s going to be athlete style. Full body movements with the pyramid principle applied along with supersets. That I believe will get all the muscles working and that would mean more calorie burning in and out of the workout, metabolism raised to a high level not like in the previous phases.
So basically, it’s like this my phases: Phase one: Adaptation Phase two: Calorie restriction and increased calorie burning through the addition of HIIT during cardio workouts and Phase Three: High Metabolic rate and a large amount of calories burned with the application of compound exercises with supersets and pyramids and increased resistance on HIIT PX90 cardio workouts.
So that is basically my plan and assault on bodyfat and for me to get fit for summer. In truth, PX90 is really a tough program. Even bodybuilders will have trouble with it. For the cardio parts anyway. So I have to ask, if it’s not that much, as I know I have taken so much of your time, If I follow this plan (I know that it’s messed up) will it achieve the fitness and body fat reduction I’m looking for?
